etsy love: iviemade cushions

I love discovering new blogs and talented people through comments left on posts, and that's exactly how I discovered Elizabeth of E tells tales who hand makes these charming cushion covers, available at her etsy shop iviemade. I've got a huge crush on the Eiffel tower pillows (eventually you'll work out I basically have a huge crush on almost anything with an Eiffel tower on it). If you hurry over to her blog right now, she's running a competition to win a pillow in celebration of her blogging birthday.



  1. I basically have a crush ON the Eiffel Tower, so there :)

  2. I love ruffles and Eiffel towers too! I'm going to start my own site attatched to my blog and I have sourced some similar cushions but the eiffel towers are in seguins!Fiona

  3. Top post. I look forward to reading more. Cheers
    king duvet covers


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