More of my grey obsession, this time at home... I have a very large, comfortable and remarkably hardy sofa which was bought from a Habitat sale about ten years ago. Frustratingly it still has a fair bit of life left in it, but I'm sort of at the point of wishing it would hurry up and die. As much as I love it to this day, I could do with replacing it with something a bit smaller as it takes up a lot of space in my living room. However I have a principle at home of not replacing things until they are basically un-serviceable, and that means for now - it stays. In the mean time I was thinking of having some new covers made for it, as both sets of cream cotton and pale green velvet covers have seen better days now, and you guessed it - grey is the colour I'm opting for. Just slightly torn between the idea of sumptuous glowing dove grey or a more masculine deep charcoal. At the end of the day it'll have to stand up to the usual household wear and tear for at ...
I love the book cover towels...I need!