grey velvety sofas

More of my grey obsession, this time at home...

I have a very large, comfortable and remarkably hardy sofa which was bought from a Habitat sale about ten years ago. Frustratingly it still has a fair bit of life left in it, but I'm sort of at the point of wishing it would hurry up and die. As much as I love it to this day, I could do with replacing it with something a bit smaller as it takes up a lot of space in my living room. However I have a principle at home of not replacing things until they are basically un-serviceable, and that means for now - it stays. In the mean time I was thinking of having some new covers made for it, as both sets of cream cotton and pale green velvet covers have seen better days now, and you guessed it - grey is the colour I'm opting for. Just slightly torn between the idea of sumptuous glowing dove grey or a more masculine deep charcoal. At the end of the day it'll have to stand up to the usual household wear and tear for at least a couple of years not to mention my two (mainly grey and white) cats Missy and Hiro who will be alternatively using it to luxuriate on or launch attacks from depending on mood. I'm just finding it tricky to decide whether a paler tone would be risky or to opt for a deeper darker hue...

images via: bookshelves & so haute


  1. A paler grey might be more cat toned by the sounds of it - less lint rolling work for you...I so desperately need a new sofa, my Ikea "temporary" one has been hanging on for years, it's appalling. But since it took 2 men, a large amount of brute force and an extra 20 quid for the inconvenience to get it in, I think only a chainsaw to cut it in half will get it out.

  2. I love these sofas as I love grey. I need to do a slipcover for my sofa and now I am inspired to perhaps used some grey canvas, if I can find such a thing . . .

    Hope you are feeling better.

    xo Erin

  3. I love the entire look of these rooms...uh I wish I could decorate my place like that! and love those bookshelves too.


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