at the movies

Oops I forgot to post these great stills as a follow up to seeing A Single Man the other day. I went in to the theatre with some trepidation as although I was pretty sure the film was going to be visually gorgeous, the subject matter of a man deep in grief at the loss of his partner isn't exactly light relief. The movie is beautifully put together and meticulously styled as you would expect from Tom Ford first outing as a producer/director.

To be honest I did wonder faintly if style might overide substance, but I got pulled straight in to the story. Yes it looks beautiful and is full of beautiful people, but the story telling is dreamy, and Firth's acting as outwardly stiff university lecturer George is impeccable. I didn't think it was contrived or over styled at all.

Being one of the seemingly few women who don't go a bit wobbly over Colin Firth normally (the lake scene anyone?), I will admit he does look excedingly handsome in his perfectly cut suits and heavy framed glasses. What I was shocked about was little Nicolas Holt who plays a student pursuing Firth's character. I remembered him as the gawky kid from About a Boy, he's definately grown up in to very pretty young thing indeed. The emotion of the film is pretty penetrating, at times I felt my heart absolutely wrenching but there were unexpected chuckles too, especially a scene where George gets caught out on the toilet whilst absent mindedly watching the next door neighbors kids playing on the lawn.

If you get a chance to see this, go for it. It won't dissapoint.


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