
My heart broke yesterday. My naughty, beautiful companion for the past ten years, a little grey and white Persian cat named Smokey went to sleep for the final time after a 6 month battle with kidney failure. It all got too much. I fought and fought, I blindly spent whatever money it took. I woke up 3 times a night to hand feed him. I told him I loved him everyday. I did everything I could to keep him alive but his little body just wouldn't co operate. I didn't want him to suffer any more. Now I feel broken.

I miss his raspy little tongue
I miss the silky fur on his head
the way he followed me around
his grumpy little face
I miss his kittenish meow even in old age
I miss the way he tenderly patted my face to wake me up
the way impatiently shouted at me for cuddles
the way he slept in the crook of my arm
the way he buried his head under my chin
his huge golden eyes
his gentle purr

good night darling boy.


  1. oh i'm so very sorry for the loss of your little guy. i hope you start to feel better soon. just think, he's no longer in pain.


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