operation K...the reveal

Say hello to Hiro!

Some of you might be aware that a few months ago I lost my beloved cat Smokey after 10 happy years and  6 harrowing months of battling with kidney failure. Since then, as the grief of losing such a deeply loved family member has ebbed away a little day by day I've had the urge for another feline companion. Initially I pushed those thoughts away, there's no way I could replace Smokey, but then those thoughts started ambushing me at the strangest of times to the point where I've even dreamt about cats. I've always been a cat lover, even from a very young age and I just can't imagine life without a feline friend around.

Last week after some wrestling with my conscience and a few tears over Smokey I decided that we were ready to welcome a new friend home, and planned to start looking to adopt once I'd finished with some renovating I'm doing. Fate however tends not to go along with logical plans and as it happened this little one urgently needed a new home as his first owner hadn't accounted on her brother suffering from a very serious fur allergy.

So to cut a long story short - home he came with me on Friday, he's a big, bold and boisterous, 10 week old Maine Coon and Persian cross, extremely cheeky and as you can see has a face which melts hearts. He's taken the move completely in his stride, and settled in amazing well over the past few days which I'm overjoyed about. I can't wait to see what sort of character he turns into as he grows up - in the mean time I'm quickly learning just how much mayhem a little fur ball can cause in a very short period of time!


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